How to get projects from different platforms for your startup company

Snehasish Konger
4 min readOct 14, 2022


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

When it comes to getting projects, startup companies face a lot of difficulties. The reason for this is that startups are usually not well-known and they don’t have a lot of experience. This means that potential clients may not be aware of them and may not be willing to take a risk on them.

Another reason why it can be difficult for startups to get projects is that they often don’t have a lot of money. This means that they may not be able to offer potential clients the same rates as more established companies.

Finally, startups may also find it difficult to get projects because they often don’t have a lot of time. This is because they are usually busy working on other things such as developing their product or raising money.

What should be your Strategy?

Despite these difficulties, there are a few things that startups can do to increase their chances of getting projects. One of the most important things is to create a strong portfolio that showcases their skills and experience. They should also make sure to market themselves well and to build up a good reputation.

Here are a few tips to help you get started.

1. Do your research

Before you start reaching out to potential clients, you need to do your research. Find out what kind of work they’re looking for, what their budget is, and what their timeline is. The more you know about them, the better you’ll be able to sell yourself.

2. Make a great portfolio

Your portfolio is your best chance to show off your skills and impress potential clients. Make sure it’s up-to-date, well-designed, and includes your best work.

3. Get involved in your community

One of the best ways to get noticed by potential clients is to get involved in your community. Attend events, join relevant online groups, and participate in discussions. The more you interact with potential clients, the more likely they are to remember you when they need someone with your skills.

4. Stay in touch

Even if you don’t land a project right away, stay in touch with the clients you’ve interacted with. Send them an email every now and then to keep your name fresh in their mind. You never know when they might need your services.

Getting projects as a startup can be a difficult task, but it’s not impossible. By doing your research, creating a great portfolio, getting involved in your community, and staying in touch with potential clients, you’ll increase your chances of landing that first project.

Places you can search for clients

Now, only strategies won’t crack a deal for you, you have to know where you need to find your clients. There are a number of platforms to get projects for your startup company. And obviously, I can’t take everyone’s name here, that’s next to impossible. So I’d like to generalize them like this-

1. Use job boards

One way to get projects is to use job boards. There are a number of job boards that cater to startups and small businesses. You can post your project on these boards and attract a number of different freelancers or agencies.

2. Use social media

Another way to get projects is to use social media. You can post about your project on social media sites like Twitter or Facebook. You can also use hashtags to attract attention to your project.

3. Use your personal network

Another way to get projects is to use your personal network. You can reach out to your friends, family, and acquaintances and let them know about your project. You may be surprised at how many people are willing to help you out.

4. Use online directories

Another way to get projects is to use online directories. There are a number of online directories that list startups and small businesses. You can contact these businesses and inquire about projects.

5. Use online marketplaces

Another way to get projects is to use online marketplaces. There are a number of online marketplaces that allow you to sell your services. You can create a profile and start bidding on projects.

6. Use freelancer websites

Another way to get projects is to use freelancer websites. There are a number of freelancer websites that allow you to find work. You can create a profile and start applying for projects.

7. Use your local chamber of commerce

Another way to get projects is to use your local chamber of commerce. You can contact your local chamber of commerce and inquire about projects. You may be surprised at the number of projects that are available.

8. Use your local Small Business Administration

Another way to get projects is to use your local Small Business Administration. You can contact your local Small Business Administration and inquire about projects. You may be surprised at the number of projects that are available.

9. Use your local economic development agency

Another way to get projects is to use your local economic development agency. You can contact your local economic development agency and inquire about projects. You may be surprised at the number of projects that are available.

So, these are the ways where you can find your clients. Hopefully, this guide will help you to get your first client, if yes then share this with your fellow readers too.

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